
Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Semester Ganjil Kelas 4 SD/ MI Tahun 2020/ 2021

Selamat datang kembali di blog Ahzaa, media info belajar. Masih dengan seri latihan soal PTS tahun 2020/ 2021, pada post kali ini akan saya lanjutkan lagi pada soal latihan PTS bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD/ MI semester ganjil.

Materi pada soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester satu ini akan berkutat pada materi greeting and leave taking, colour of things dan things around us. Pada setiap soal sudah terdapat jawaban dengan spoiler  sehingga sangat cocok untuk belajar mempersiapkan penilaian tengah semester kali ini.

Nah, langsung saja, berikut latihan soalnya,


1. Hana  : Hello, Indah. Good morning.
Indah   : Hello Hana. Good morning.
Hana   : How are you?
Indah  : .... and you?
Hana   : I am fine, too. Thanks.
a. How are you
b. Nice to meet you
c. I am fine
d. good bye

2. Mom  : ... , dear. have a nice dream
Liza  : good night, mom. Thanks.

a. good evening
b. good night
c. good morning
d. good afternoon

3. Nina   : Good bye, Manda . See you later. 
Manda  : Good bye, Nina. ....

a. nice to meet you, too
b. see you
c. thanks
d. pleased to meet you, too

4. Riko   : Hello Evan, How are you?
Evan  : .... . I have toothache. I have to see the dentist.
Riko  : Oh, I hope you will get better soon.
Evan  : Thank you.
a. nice to meet you
b. I am fine
c. I am not well today
d. Fine.

5. : How do you do?
: ....
a. how are you
b. I am fine
c. how do you do?
d. nice to see you

6. Dila meets Mrs. Dewi on the way when she goes to school. She says ....
a. good morning
b. good afternoon
c. good evening
d. good noon

7. Nina wants to go to bed, so she says ... to her mom.
a. good evening
b. good afternoon
c. good night
d. good bye

8. A   : Whose  … bag is this? It looks great.
    B : That is mine. Thank you.

Its colour is ….
a. pink
b. blue
c. black
d. white

9. A : What is the colour of the umbrella?
    B : the colour is ….

a. blue
b. red
c. yellow
d. purple

10. A : What is the colour of the rose?
      B : It  is ….

a. black
b. red
c. yellow
d. blue

11. : Are these … shoes yours?
      B : No, these aren’t.  They are my father’s shoes.

a. brown
b. black
c. red
d. grey

12. We need … to clean our body when taking a bath.
a. shampoo
b. soap
c. toothbrush
d. water tap

13. Mother cuts some meats by using ….
a. knife
b. spoon
c. dipper
d. plate

14. A : What can you find in the bedroom.
B : I can find ... in the bedroom.

a. dipper
b. spoon
c. sponge
d. bolster

15. Mother makes the fried noodle and puts it in the ….
a. bowl
b. glass
c. cup
d. kettle

16. A    : What do you use to stir coffee in a cup?
      B    :  I use a ...

a. spoon
b. hanger
c. fork
d. tap

17. Wendy protects her body from cold weather by wearing ....
a. gown
b. T-shirt
c. jacket
d. skirt

18. Mother keeps vegetables and fruits to be fresh in the ....
a. wardrobe
b. cupboard
c. refrigerator
d. table

19. To keep the clothes, mother uses ....
a. table
b. refrigerator
c. wardrobe
d. shelf

20. Arrange those words into a good sentence
TV - in - We - find - can -  the living room

a. Can we find in the living room
b. We can find TV in the living room
c. In the living room can we find TV
d. find we can TV in the living room

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