
Latihan Soal Materi Noun Phrase dan Jawabannya

Berikut ini saya sajikan soal materi Noun Phrase disertai dengan jawabannya. Latihan soal ini merupakan kelanjutan dari tulisan beberapa waktu lalu tentang materi Noun Phrase. Untuk mereview lagi materi tentang Noun Phrase, bisa membaca lagi postingan sebelumnya.

Klik pada link berikut untuk menuju ke materi Noun Phrase.

10 Soal materi Noun Phrase Online ==============================================================================================

Choose the correct order.
1. We bought ...
some lovely old German glasses
some old lovely German glasses

2. Have you seen ... ?
his new nice Italian sports car
his nice new Italian sports car

3. He lived in ....
a dirty old wooden hut
an old dirty wooden hut

4. She was wearing ....
a beautiful black and white silk gown
a black and white beautiful silk gown

5. It's just ....
another strange old country custom
another old strange country custom

6. We stood under ....
an enormous old wooden statue
an old enormous wooden statue

7. They gave him ....
a silver beautiful clock
a beautiful silver clock

8. I bought ....
a large red and white striped tablecloth
a large striped red and white tablecloth

9. It was ....
a lovely green old woollen scarf
a lovely old green woollen scarf

10. They sent him ....
some very expensive blue and white China plates
very some expensive blue and white China plates

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