Latihan Soal UKG Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Profesional Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA - SMK Tahun 2019 - 2020
Senin, 09 Desember 2019
Berdasarkan survei kemampuan pelajar yang dirilis oleh Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), pada awal Desember tahun ini -2019- di Paris, Indonesia menempati peringkat ke-72 dari 77 negara. Indonesia masih berada di peringkat enam terbawah, jauh di bawah negara-negara tetangga kita seperti Malaysia dan Brunei Darussalam. Dalam survei ini, kualitas diukur berdasarkan kemampuan membaca, matematika dan sains. Dari beberapa faktor kelemahan yang ada, salah satu penyebabnya adalah kompetensi guru yang masih rendah dibuktikan dengan hasil UKG yang relatif dibawah rata- rata.
Uji Kompetensi Guru (UKG) ditujukan untuk mengukur kompetensi dasar terhadap bidang studi (profesional) serta kemampuan pedagogik guru. Selain itu UKG dilakukan dalam rangka pemetaan kompetensi, pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan (PKB) dan sebagai entry point penilaian kinerja guru (PKG) melalui pengembangan keberlanjutan dalam bentuk pelatihan-pelatihan.
Sehubungan dengan UKG diatas, berikut ini sudah saya siapkan melalui kumpulan soal- soal latihan UKG khusus untuk guru bahasa Inggris SMA/ SMK. Memang sudah agak lama terakhir saya mengikuti tes UKG tahun 2017 lalu, selain Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA), sejauh ingatan tentang soal- soal yang keluar berkutat soal masalah pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional guru.
Oke langsung saja berikut latihan soal- soalnya.
Oke langsung saja berikut latihan soal- soalnya.
Kompetensi Pedagogik
1. Penerapan aturan kedisiplinan di sekolah yang berkait dengan pemberian reward dan punishment merupakan merupakan perwujudan dari teori pendidikan ....
1. Penerapan aturan kedisiplinan di sekolah yang berkait dengan pemberian reward dan punishment merupakan merupakan perwujudan dari teori pendidikan ....
A. konstruktivistik
B. behavioristik
C. kognitivistik
D. realistic
E. konektivistik
2. Dalam pembelajaran yang berbasis konstruktivistik, guru lebih banyak berperan sebagai....
A. stimulan
B. pelatih
C. panutan
D. instruktur
E. fasilitator, kolaborator, inspirator
3. Unesco PBB menetapkan 4 pilar pendidikan, yaitu: Learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together dan ....
A. learning to be
B. learning to learn
C. learning to experience
D. learning to understand
E. learning university
4. Sekolah berkewajiban untuk mengembangkan life skills siswa. Tujuannya adalah agar siswa ....
A. mampu hidup bahagia
B. memiliki ketrampilan vokasional
C. memiliki keunggulan akademik
D. mampu mengerjakan setiap butir soal dalam ujian
E. mampu mandiri
5. Howard Gardner berpendapat bahwa pada diri peserta didik memiliki kecerdasan yang beraneka ragam yang dikenal dengan “multiple intelligence”. Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk jenis multiple intelligence ialah ....
A. kecerdasan musikal dan logical matematika
B. kecerdasan linguistik dan kinestik
C. kecerdasan intrapersonal dan spatial
D. kecerdasan spiritual dan emosional
E. kecerdasan interpersonal
6. Seorang guru perlu bersikap inklusif dan objektif terhadap peserta didik, teman sejawat, dan lingkungan sekitar dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran.
Contoh berikut yang sesuai dengan pernyataan di atas adalah ....
A. Dia adalah seorang guru yang senantiasa berkomunikasi dengan orang tua peserta didik terutama kalau ada permasalahan dari putera atau puterinya.
B. Sebagai seorang guru, dia selalu menyayangi dan memperhatikan perkembangan peserta didiknya
C. Ketika seorang guru memarahi peserta didik, ada guru lain tidak terima dan menasehati agar tidak mengulangi
D. Dia adalah seorang guru yang bangga dan menjunjung tinggi pekerjaannya, dalam melakukan penilaian sesuai kemampuan peserta didik
E. Seorang guru selalu melaksanakan apa yang diusulkan oleh orang tua peserta didiknya agar tercipta keharmonisan
7. “Ing ngarso sung tulodo,Ing madyo mangun karso,Tut wuri handayani” (Ki Hajar Dewantoro).
Manakah pernyataan dibawah ini yang mencerminkan bukan sikap guru dalam prinsi kepemimpinan pembelajaran tersebut, yaitu....
A. guru harus bisa menjadi contoh yang baik bagi anak didiknya
B. guru menjadi sahabat belajar siswa
C. guru menjadi fasilitator dan inovator dalam proses pembelajaran
D. guru menjadi satu-satunya sumber belajar
E. guru memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa
8. Guru sebagai pendidik profesional mempunyai tugas utama……
A. membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah.
B. mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah
C. mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah
D. mendidik, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah
E. mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, peserta didik pada pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah
9. Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan oleh seorang guru supaya menjadi teladan bagi
peserta didik adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali ….
A. Guru harus memiliki sikap dan kepribadian utuh yang dapat dijadikan tokoh panutan idola dalam seluruh segi kehidupannya
B. Guru harus berusaha memilih dan melakukan perbuatan yang positif agar dapat mengangkat citra baik dan kewibawaannya
C. Guru harus mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai tinggi terutama yang diambilkan dari ajaran agama
D. Guru harus mempunyai sifat terpuji yang dapat diikuti oleh peserta didik
E. Guru harus dapat mempengaruhi peserta didik agar meniru tingkah lakunya
10. Kepribadian guru dengan menampilkan tindakan yang sesuai dengan norma religius (iman dan takwa, jujur, ikhlas, suka menolong), dan memiliki perilaku yang diteladani peserta didik, maka guru tersebut …
A. memiliki kepribadian yang dewasa
B. memiliki kepribadian yang mantap dan stabil
C. memiliki kepribadian yang arif
D. memiliki kepribadian yang berwibawa
E. memiliki akhlak mulia dan menjadi teladan
11. Learning dalam behaviorisme menekankan adanya….
A. Perubahan pengetahuan
B. Pembelajaran bermakna
C. Pemaknaan informasi baru
D. Interaksi terus menerus
E. Perubahan Perilaku
12. Pelaksanaan penilaian kinerja guru dimaksudkan bukan untuk menyulitkan guru, tetapi sebaliknya penilaian kinerja guru dilaksanakan untuk mewujudkan guru yang ...
A. Mau menerima tunjangan profesi pendidik dan mau mengembangkan kompetensinya
B. Profesional, bermartabat dan sejahtera karena harkat dan martabat suatu profesi ditentukan oleh kualitas layanan profesi yang bermutu
C. Mau dan mampu mengembangkan kompetensinya serta selalu mengharap-harap turunnya TPP
D. Mau dan mampu meningkatkan layanan profesi pendidik yang bermutu
E. Mau menerima tunjangan profesi pendidik (TPP) tetapi tidak mau dimasukkan surga
13. Penilaian kinerja guru adalah penilaian yang dilakukan terhadap ….
A. setiap butir kegiatan tugas utama guru dalam rangka pembinaan karir, kepangkatan, dan jabatannya
B. setiap butir kompetensi guru dalam rangka pembinaan karir, kepangkatan, dan jabatannya
C. setiap butir kompetensi pedagogik dan professional guru dalam rangka pembinaan karir, kepangkatan, dan jabatannya
D. setiap butir kompetensi kepribadian, pedagogic, social dan professional guru dalam rangka pembinaan karir, kepangkatan, dan jabatannya
E. setiap butir kompetensi guru dan tambahan guru dalam rangka pembinaan karir, kepangkatan, dan jabatannya
14. Ekspresi positif seorang guru diwujudkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai berikut, kecuali....
A. Menyayangi peserta didik dalam kebaikan
B. Memberikan keteladanan dalam beribadah
C. Berdoa setiap mengawali belajar dan berdisiplin
D. Memberikan senyum, salam, sapa dan santun
E. Marah-marah dan berlaku kasar terhadap orang lain
15. Ciri-ciri pribadi yang memiliki kecerdasan sosial adalah ...
A. Adanya hubungan yang kuat dengan Tuhan, memberi manfaat kepada lingkungan, dan menghasilkan karya untuk membangun orang lain
B. Bertanggungjawab, berdedikasi dan berwibawa
C. Berperilaku baik, bertanggungjawab dan disiplin
D. Profesional, pengalaman dan menggembangkan diri
E. Berjiwa sosial, profesional dalam bekerja dan jujur
16. Manakah indikator kompetensi pedagogik berikut paling tepat?
A. Mengenali peserta didik, menguasai teori belajar, memahami prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran, mengembangkan kerjasama dengan teman sejawat, melakukan kegiatan yang mendidik, memahami dan mengembangkan potensi peserta didik, komunikasi dengan peserta didik, melakukan penilaian dan evaluasi
B. Mengenali peserta didik, menguasai teori belajar, memahami prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran, mengembangkan kurikulum, melakukan kegiatan yang mendidik, memahami dan mengembangkan potensi peserta didik, guru memberikan penghargaan terhadap berbagai agama dan keyakinan yang dianut, melakukan penilaian dan evaluasi
C. Mengenali peserta didik, menguasai teori belajar, memahami prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran, mengembangkan kurikulum, melakukan kegiatan yang mendidik, memahami dan mengembangkan potensi peserta didik, komunikasi dengan peserta didik,melakukan penilaian dan evaluasi
D. Mengenali peserta didik, menguasai teori belajar, memahami prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran, mengembangkan kurikulum, melakukan kegiatan yang mendidik, memahami dan mengembangkan potensi peserta didik, mengawali dan mengakhiri pembelajaran tepat waktu, melakukan penilaian dan evaluasi.
E. Mengenali peserta didik, menguasai teori belajar, memahami prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran, mengembangkan kurikulum, melakukan kegiatan yang mendidik, memahami dan mengembangkan potensi peserta didik, komunikasi dengan sopan dan santun, melakukan penilaian dan evaluasi
17. Kompetensi guru yang digunakan sebagai dasar PK Guru adalah tugas guru yang terkait dengan tugas pembelajaran, pembimbingan, atau tugas tambahan yang relevan dengan fungsi sekolah. Manakah dasar PK Guru yang terkait dengan kemampuan mengelola pembelajaran di kelas?
A. Kompetensi profesional
B. Kompetensi sosial
C. Kompetensi pedagogik
D. Kompetensi kepribadian
E. Inovasi dan kreativitas pembelajaran
18. Seorang guru mencatat dan menggunakan informasi tentang karakteristik peserta didik untuk membantu proses pembelajaran. Karakteristik peserta didik tersebut meliputi berbagai aspek berikut ....
A. Aspek fisik intelektual, sosial emosional, personal, dan latar belakang sosial budaya
B. Aspek fisik intelektual, sosial emosional, moral, dan latar belakang sosial budaya
C. Aspek fisik intelektual, sosial personal, moral, dan latar belakang sosial budaya
D. Aspek fisik intelektual, sosial emosional, moral, dan latar belakang suku agama
E. Aspek fisik intelektual, kolegial, moral, dan latar belakang sosial budaya
19. Dalam memilih sumber belajar harus memperhatikan kriteria sebagai berikut ...
A. Ekonomis: tidak harus terpatok pada harga yang mahal; Praktis: tidak memerlukan pengelolaan yang rumit, sulit dan langka
B. Mudah: dekat dan tersedia di sekitar lingkungan kita
C. Fleksibel: dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kompetensi dasar,
D. Sesuai dengan kompetensi dasar: mendukung proses dan pencapaian kompetensi dasar dan dapat membangkitkan motivasi dan minat belajar siswa
E. Semua jawaban benar
20. Fungsi sumber belajar dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar, antara lain ....
A. Meningkatkan produktivitas pembelajaran dengan jalan: (a) mempercepat laju belajar dan membantu guru untuk menggunakan waktu secara lebih baik dan efisien dan (b) mengurangi beban guru dalam menyajikan informasi sehingga waktu dapat lebih banyak digunakan untuk mengaktifkan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran
B. Memberikan kemungkinan pembelajaran yang sifatnya lebih individual, dengan cara: (a) mengurangi kontrol guru yang kaku dan tradisional; dan (b) memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk berkembang sesuai dengan kemampuannnya
C. Memberikan dasar yang lebih ilmiah terhadap pembelajaran dengan cara: (a) perancangan program pembelajaran yang lebih sistematis; dan (b) pengembangan bahan pengajaran yang dilandasi oleh penelitian
D. Memungkinkan penyajian pembelajaran yang lebih luas, dengan menyajikan informasi yang mampu menembus batas geografis
E. Semua jawaban benar
21. Jika Anda melakukan kunjungan kelas dan memperhatikan guru telah memastikan bahwa semua peserta didik mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama untuk berpertisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, maka guru tersebut perlu diberi skor maksimal pada indikator.....
A. Memahami prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran yang mendidik
B. Mengenali karakteristik peserta didik
C. Menguasi teori mendidik
D. Memahami perkembangan remaja
E. Pembelajaran yang mendidik
22. Guru profesional antara lain mampu memilih materi pembelajaran. Manakah yang tidak sesuai dengan materi pembelajaran dimaksud?
A. Materi pembelajaran sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran
B. Materi pembelajaran yang tepat dan mutakhir
C. Materi sesuai dengan usia dan tingkat kemampuan belajar peserta didik
D. Materi tidak harus dapat dilaksanakan di kelas.
E. Materi sesuai dengan konteks kehidupan sehari-hari peserta didik
23. Manakah kegiatan yang menggambarkan kompetensi pedagogik seorang guru?
A. Guru memiliki rasa persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa Indonesia
B. Guru mampu mengelola pembelajaran yang membuktikan bahwa guru dihormati oleh peserta didik
C. Merancang rencana pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan silabus untuk membahas materi ajar tertentu agar peserta didik mencapai kompetensi dasar yang ditentukan
D. Guru memanfaatkan waktu luang selain mengajar untuk kegiatan yang produktif terkait dengan tugasnya
E. Guru merasa bangga dengan profesinya sebagai guru
24. Mengapa guru wajib merancang rencana pembelajaran?
A. Agar peserta didik dapat berpartisipasi secara maksimal dalam proses pembelajaran
B. Agar peserta didik tidak sampai mengganggu peserta didik lain pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung
C. Agar peserta didik termotivasi kemauan belajarnya
D. Agar peserta didik dapat mencapai Kompetensi Dasar/KD yang ditentukan
E. Agar peserta didik terfasilitasi pengalaman belajarnya dengan baik
25. Berikut adalah alasan paling tepat guru perlu mengatur kelas pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung ....
A. Dapat memberikan kesempatan belajar yang sama pada semua peserta didik dengan kelainan fisik dan kemampuan belajar yang berbeda
B. Guru dapat memperhatikan potensi dan kekurangan peserta didik
C. Peserta didik mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembelajaran
D. Agar tidak membuka peluang peserta didik merugikan peserta didik lainnya
E. Mencegah adanya perilaku menyimpang dari peserta didik selama proses pembelajaran
Kompetensi Profesional
The persecution proved that the accused is guilty. He had the motive, opportunity and ability to commit the crime.
Firstly, the accused needed money. He was in debt, owing the bank over $100 000. He had no chance of repaying this; therefore, he needed quick money. That was why he stole the Macquarie Diamond.
Secondly, the accused had the opportunity. As a security guard he could come and go from the exhibition of the diamond without causing suspicion. He had plenty of time on the night of the robbery to take the diamond, hide it and then return to his post before the next guard came on duty.
Finally, the accused had the ability to take the Macquarie Diamond. He had knowledge of the alarm system and had keys to unlock the display case.
On this evidence it was clear that he was guilty.
26. It can be concluded from the text that ....
A. The accused was not proven to be guilty
B. The accused lent money $ 100.000 to a bank
C. The accused had capability, chance and motive to do crime
D. Having been proven guilty the accused was let to return to his post
E. Being a security guard, the accused had to guard a bank
27. What is the reason why the accused do the crime?
A. He needed money to repay his debt
B. He was a security guard
C. He knew the alarm system well
D. He had the keys of the display case
E. He had plenty of time.
28. On the statement ‘On this evidence it was clear that he was guilty’ is the…..of text.
A. recommendation
B. reiteration
C. reorientation
D. resolution
E. evaluation
29.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. the accused had the opportunity
B. the accused is a security guard
C. the accused had plenty of time to rob
D. the accused could come and go without causing suspicion.
E. the accused returned the diamond to his post
30. “On this evidence it was clear that he was guilty” What is the synonym of the underlined word ?
A. Proof
B. Chance
C. Opportunity
D. Substitute
E. Replacement
Cigarette smokers are said to have a good chance of getting various fatal diseases. But, I think that other people’s tobacco smoke seems to increase the chances of non smokers getting a wide range of cancers.
First, although passive smokers inhale less tobacco smoke, the researchers point out that the smoke they breathe in is richer in many toxic chemicals. There is, for example, three times as much as benzo-apyrene, six times as much as toluene and more than 50 times as much as dimethyllnitrosamine. Of course these substances will harm our body in the long run.
First, although passive smokers inhale less tobacco smoke, the researchers point out that the smoke they breathe in is richer in many toxic chemicals. There is, for example, three times as much as benzo-apyrene, six times as much as toluene and more than 50 times as much as dimethyllnitrosamine. Of course these substances will harm our body in the long run.
Secondly, the recent research indicated that the risk of getting cancers not normally associated with smoking also rose among passive smokers. The risk of leukemia rose 6 – 8 times and the risk of cervical cancer increased 3-4 times.
Thirdly, past studies have found that the products of cigarette smoke such as nicotine and thiocyanate, turn up in the blood, urine and saliva of non smoking adults, children and fetuses that have been exposed to smokers. These substances are the main causes of various cancers. In short, the effects of exposure to the cigarette smoking of others are greater than has been previously suspected. That is why passive smokers have more chances of contracting cancer than people with no such exposure.
Thirdly, past studies have found that the products of cigarette smoke such as nicotine and thiocyanate, turn up in the blood, urine and saliva of non smoking adults, children and fetuses that have been exposed to smokers. These substances are the main causes of various cancers. In short, the effects of exposure to the cigarette smoking of others are greater than has been previously suspected. That is why passive smokers have more chances of contracting cancer than people with no such exposure.
31. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Passive smokers have more dangerous risk than smokers
B. The causes of cancers are toxic chemicals
C. Toxic chemicals are fatal to passive smokers
D. The more toxic chemicals we breathe in, the shorter time we live
E. Passive smokers inhale smoke which in many toxic chemicals.
32. In the text, the writer is trying to ….
A. explain the danger of smoking cigarette.
B. expose the risk of getting cancers for passive smokers
C. discuss about the dangers of inhaling cigarette smokes
D. describe the substances cigarette smokes contains
E. persuade smokers to keep on smoking cigarette.
33. The following statements are NOT TRUE based on the text,…
A. Toxic chemicals in cigarettes’ smoke are not the only causes of cancers.
B. Cigarette smokers have great possibility to get various fatal diseases.
C. Researchers said that passive smokers also have the risk of getting cancers
D. The researchers have found the amount of people suffering from leukemia and cervical cancer increasing.
E. Passive smokers have little chances of getting deadly disease than the smokers
34. The following substances are included into the toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke, except…
A. toluene
B. saliva
C. nicotine
D. thiocyanate
E. benzo-apyrene
Nowadays, many people have realized that agriculture is much more important than other supporting tools in economic development. In Indonesia, agriculture should be the priority of development because of some good reasons.
First of all, the agriculture’s contribution in the beginning of the development of the country was the highest of all sectors. At present, almost half of the total Indonesian labors are working in the agriculture sectors, but the contribution of the agriculture sector does not reach 30 percents.
Second, the agriculture sector is expected to fulfill the need of food in the country. As the number of population increases in an alarming rate each year, food supply must also increase but the agricultural production per capita never increases more than one percent each year, and in some extreme cases, it is ever stagnant.
Last but not least, without agricultural development, the growth of the industrial sector will be hampered because the growth that comes from industry will bring a wider gap into the internal economy in that country. In turn, this gap will create serious poverty problems, wider inequality of income distribution, and increase unemployment.
It is therefore, obvious that the government should put agriculture as the priority of national development.
Source : Djauharie, Otong Setiawan 2012 Essay Writing Yrama Widya Bandung
35. How mmuch is the percentage of the agriculture sector’s contribution to the Indonesian economic development?
A. Less than ten percent.
B. About twenty percent.
C. About thirty percent.
D. Below thirty percent
E. Above thirty percent.
36. According to the text, in order to support economic development, the government should ….
A. produce more food as the priority
B. reduce labors in the agriculture sector
C. supply more food for the national needs
D. increase the industrial sector as the first priority
E. prioritize the development of agricultural
37. As the number of population increases in an alarming rate each year.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. awakens
B. grows
C. excites
D. words
E. frightens
Do you agree that music is important in our life? Yes I do, music has certain role completing our day to day activities. Here are some reasons why music is heard everywhere and anywhere.
Music is a way to express feelings. When we fall in love, the kind of music we’d listen to would be all about love. When we’re sad, we would go for music that is melancholic in nature and immerse ourselves in the sadness. When we’re happy, we’d choose songs with happy tunes too.
Song can help to memorize the last experiences. A favorite song is a powerful documentary. People with Alzheimer which are impaired the brain would remember details about songs they were familiar with. For example, an elderly woman who couldn’t even remember her husband’s name would remember the details of her favorite song; when it was played, how it made her feel and things about the song that made it especially memorable for her.
Further, music can unite people for a cause and changes the world. A song with good lyric and striking deep chord can stimulate the universal feeling of all people. We can see it in the case of the famous and legendary Michael Jackson’s Heal the World. It can arouse humanism of a lot people in this world.
So, what would the world be like without music? It would be lonely.
38. What kind of the text is it?
A. Hortatory exposition
B. Analytical Exposition
C. Explanation
D. Report
E. Descriptive
39. What is the social function of the text?
A. To persuade the readers that something should be or should not be the case
B. To explain the process of a natural phenomenon to the readers
C. To persuade the readers that something should be the case
D. To give a short description of a natural phenomenon’s impact
E. To tell the readers how to prevent a sunburn
40. After reading the text, the reader will most likely …
A. be aware the importance of song
B. play a song when he/she studies a subject
C. find certain song that make him/her happy
D. remember his/her last beautiful experiences
E. try to understand the lyric of his/her favorite one
41. If a person falls in love, he/she …
A. listens to a romantic song
B. will listen to a romantic song
C. would listen to a romantic song
D. will be listening to a romantic song
Breakfast is one of the morning routines that is usually skipped by many people. There is an assumption saying that having breakfast in the morning could result in the significant increase of body weight. Some of them do not have time for doing this routine because of hurry or other business. They might think that breakfast is not important. However, it is completely wrong. In fact, breakfast takes fundamental roles for our body health and balance. Below are some benefits of having breakfast.
First, after sleeping for about eight hours and doing metabolism process without food supply, our brain and muscles need energy to start over the day. Glucose in food, as well as the vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and protein, is the source of energy which can be gained from the food we consume at the breakfast. With this nutrients and glucose to our body and brain, we will be able to concentrate, focus, be productive, and have better spirit.
Second, having breakfast could prevent women from heart diseases. According to WebMD (posted on February 21, 2010 by Umkcwomenc), beside slowing down metabolism process and causing weight gain, skipping breakfast can also put women at a higher risk of heart disease. A recent study at University of Nottingham in England found that women who skipped breakfast for two weeks had had cholesterol level and it makes them less sensitive to insulin. The study also found that having breakfast can reduce the risk of obesity in women by 35- 50%. This is because who had breakfast ate less food at the rest of the day.
Last, breakfast can control the meal cycle. A good breakfast will keep us from over-hungry in the afternoon. The food we consume in the breakfast could prevent high calorie and fat from other foods for whole day.
Based on the above reasons, I think it is better for us to accustom ourselves for having breakfast in any situation.
42. The text is aimed to …
A. To discuss with the readers about the importance of having breakfast.
B. To explain to the readers about the importance of having breakfast.
C. To inform the readers about the importance of having breakfast.
D. To influence the readers about the importance of having breakfast.
E. To amuse the readers about the the importance of having breakfast.
43. It can be inferred from glucose that .... (paragraph 2)
A. It is the only source of energy gained from breakfast.
B. It helps us to be productive and have a better spirit.
C. It is a pivotal element that should be included in breakfast.
D. It reduces metabolism process when we sleep.
E. It prevents women from heart attack.
44. "I think it is better for us to accustom ourselves for having breakfast in any situation."
What does the underlined word mean?
A. adapt
B. fix
C. establish
D. adjust
E. acculturate
Butterflies are winged insects of the order Lepidoptera. They are the adult version of caterpillars. They are one of animals that undergo a metamorphosis cycle in their live to became adult. There are around 18.500 species of butterfly in the world and they inhabited all region except Antarctica. They feed mainly on nectar from flowers, so they can easily be found in a park or in a forest.
Just like any other insects, the body of a butterfly is divided into three sections, they are: the head, thorax, and abdomen. The head consist of eyes, mouth, antenna and a proboscis that can be coiled. The proboscis is located right above their mouth, between their eyes. They use it to sip the nectar of flowers. There are three segment of their thorax and each of it has a pair of legs, so they have six legs in total. Their wings are also located on the thorax. Their forewings are wider than their hindwings. These wings are decorated with various colors and patterns.
Each species of butterflies can reach various maximum body size. Some of them can reach the size of 25 cm while others can only reach the size of 3 to 5 cm. A species that is considered to be the largest butterfly in the world is Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing or also known as Ornithopetra alexandrae. It is recorded that the life span of a butterfly is around 12 months.
45. What is the topic of the text?
A. The explanation of butterflies’ habitat
B. The physical appearance of butterflies
C. The explanation of butterflies’ life cycle
D. The description of butterflies in general
E. The description of butterflies’ unique feature
46. What kind of the text is it?
A. Hortatory exposition
B. Analytical Exposition
C. Explanation
D. Report
E. Descriptive
47. Bima : “John, do you have any information on how I can get the access to my research site?”
John : “I don’t think that I have enough information on that. Why don’t you call Reni? She ... able to explain to you about the way to access location.”
A. might be
B. must be
C. might have been
D. must have been
E. might
48. Reni : “Hi Clara! How was your day?”
Clara: “It’s amazing. You know I just received the Math test result. And, it was great.”
Reni: “Great! I know you can pass that. Anyway, how about attending dancing exercise tonight? Are you in?”
Clara: “I ... attend dancing class when I was in junior high school. I’d love to. But, uh, I need to complete my science project.”
Reni: “That’s fine. Hope you can do that well.”
A. might
B. used to
C. would
D. could
E. get used to
49. A: Why ... you go to the library tonight?
B: I ... find some information regarding my study on marine sciences.
A. should, may
B. would, had to
C. could, have to
D. will, need to
E. will, have to
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