
63 Soal Latihan dan Pembahasan Tes Bahasa Inggris (TBI) USM PKN STAN Tahun 2020 ; Materi Structure

PKN STAN atau Politeknik Keuangan Negara Sekolah Tinggi Keuangan Negara merupakan salah satu sekolah tinggi kedinasan yang makin banyak peminatnya. Setiap tahunnya, jumlah pendaftar PKN STAN selalu bertambah. Sekolah kedinasan ini selalu menjadi salah satu yang paling banyak diincar dibandingkan dengan perguruan tinggi kedinasan atau bahkan perguruan tinggi lainnya. Tentu saja persaingan antar pendaftar akan semakin ketat, karenanya, persiapan sejak dini menjadi senjata satu- satunya untuk memperebutkan satu kursi di kampus PKN STAN.

Ada beberapa macam tes yang mesti dilalui untuk masuk PKN STAN, antara lain TPA dan TBI. Nah, khusus untuk TBI, soal terdiri dari soal structure dan reading comprehension (dari pengalaman tahun sebelumnya). Soal structure bahasa Inggris merupakan soal yang unik, karena memang harus mengenali tipikal soal berdasarkan bentuk grammatikalnya. Kebanyakan materi-materi structure grammar  yang keluar belum diajarkan di sekolah. Karenanya, mulailah untuk mencari buku- buku yang relevan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris (Baca artikel saya tentang : .Rekomendasi buku bahasa Inggris Grammar untuk masuk PKN STAN

Menghadapi Tes Bahasa Inggris (TBI) PKN STAN tahun 2020 mendatang, sudah saya siapkan latihan soal lengkap dengan pembahasan materi structure untuk menambah referensi belajar adik- adik yang sedang mempersiapkannya tahun ini. Agak terlalu panjang, karena jumlah butir soal mencapai 63 soal. Nah, langsung saja, berikut latihan soalnya,

1. … a little earlier, they would have avoided the heavy traffic.
A. Have they left
B. Have they not left
C. Had they left
D. Had they not left

Pembahasan :
Bentuk inversi pada kalimat, pengandaian tanpa IF; Had + subject + V3, subject + would have + V3

2. Semarang,  … , has always fascinated me.
A. is a city of ten million people
B. it is a city of ten million people
C. a city of ten million people
D. whose a city of ten million people

Pembahasan : 
Appositive Phrase 
Merupakan sekelompok kata yang berfungsi memberikan keterangan tambahan kepada subject dan object.Pada bentuk soal diatas, bentuk appositive phrase nya bertindak sebagai Noun.

3. … a shower, I went to bed.
A. take
B. taking
C. having taken
D. took

Pembahasan :
Perfect participles (having +past participle)
Pada introductory verb (having taken a shower) menyatakan aktifitas yang terjadi sebelum aktifitas lainnya dalam kalimat tersebut utama.

  • I had taken a shower before I went to bed.
  • === Having taken a shower, I went to bed.

4. Rudi’s professor  had him … his thesis many times before allowing him to present it to the committee.
A. to write
B. writing
C. write
D. written

Pembahasan :
Causative verb bentuk have
S + have + object + Vbase

5. … Irma’s fear of heights, she decided to play roller coaster with a group of her classmates to Dufan Ancol during the holiday.
A. Because
B. Inspite of
C. Although
D. Even though

Pembahasan :
Clause of Concession,
Menyatakan kontras antara dua pernyataan
Because + subject + verb
Inspite of + noun phrase
Although + subject + verb
Even though + subject + verb
Jawaban paling benar berdasarkan strukturnya adalah inspite of

6. Budi spent … an enjoyable vacation in Bali this holiday that he plans to return as soon as he saves money.
A. such 
B. very
C. so
D. such as

Pembahasan :
Penggunaan such (cause and result)
such + a + adjective + singular count noun + that

7. …than he will want to leave.
A. He no sooner will arrive
B. No sooner he will arrive
C. He will arrive no sooner
D. No sooner  will he arrive

Pembahasan :
Inversi bentuk no sooner
no sooner + aux ver (modal) + subject + verb

8. It was suggested that Lisa … Math more thoroughly before atttempting to pass the exam.
A. to study
B. study
C. studying
D. studied

Pembahasan :
Verbs of demand
S + (verbs of demand ) + that + S2 + V base
List of verbs of demand :

  • demand
  • insist
  • require
  • suggest
  • recommend
  • urge
  • advise
  • request
  • be necessary
  • be required
  • be essential
  • be important
Example : 
The doctor recommended that she have surgery
The weatherman suggested that people not use highway 7
The law requires that students be in school a certain number of days a year.

9. … will be carried in the next space shuttle payload has not been yet announced to the public.
A. It
B. What
C. When
D. That 

Pembahasan ;
That Clause

10. The papers … at 3:00 will contain the announcement of the manager’s resignation.
A. deliver
B. to deliver
C. being delivered
D. delivered

Pembahasan : 
Reduced Adjective Clause
The papers which are delivered at 3: 00 will contain the announcement of the manager’s resignation
The papers delivered will contain the announcement of the manager’s resignation.

11. Pramoedya Ananta Tour, born in Blora, … famous as a great novelist.
A. and became
B. became
C. he was
D. and he became

Pembahasan :
Appossitive Phrase
Subject, Appositive, Verb ...

12. A computerized map of the freeways using information gathered by sensors embedded in the pavement … on a local cable channel during rush hours.
A. airing
B. to air
C. airs
D. air

Pembahasan :
Verb agreement, diambil subjek pokok dari kalimatnya, yaitu a computerized map, maka verb yang tepat adalah airs

13. Vitamin C is necessary for the prevention and … of scurvy.
A. cures
B. cure
C. it cures
D. for curing

Pembahasan :
Parallel structure with coordinate conjuctions
(same structure) [and, but, or] (same structure)
(same structure), (same structure)  [and, but, or] (same structure)
kata yang sama strukturnya adalah kata "cure"

14. The only students who were required … the meeting were Bima, Novan, Alda, and Bagus.
A. attend
B. to attend
C. attending
D. attended

Pembahasan :
Pemakaian bentuk infinitive
require + to infinitive

15. The policeman ordered the suspect … his hands from the hood of the car.
A. doesn’t remove
B. don’t remove
C. not remove
D. not to remove

Pembahasan :

16. We insist on … leaving the place before the following earthquake happen.
A. You
B. Your
C. Yours
D. You’re

Pembahasan :
Bentuk kepemilikan pada gerund karena gerund = noun. "your leaving"

17. Wisnu used to … in Semarang, but his company sent him to a better position in Surabaya.
A. live
B. lives
C. lived
D. living

Pembahasan :
used to digunakan menyatakan kebiasaan yang dilakukan di masa lalu (past time habit), dan sekarang tidak dilakukan lagi.
subject + used to + simple verb

18. By the time the president arrives, the workers … the bridge.
A. Will rebuild
B. Will be rebuilt
C. Will have rebuilt
D. Will be rebuilding

Pembahasan :
Bentuk future perfect tense ( s+ will have + V3), menyatakan peristiwa yang akan sudah terjadi saat peristiwa lainnya terjadi.

19. Before I left home, my mother reminded me … her a letter at least once a week.
A. to send
B. send
C. sending
D. sent

Pembahasan :
remind + object + to infinitive

20. You had better … of that wound on your hand soon, or it will get infected.
A. to take care
B. take care
C. took care
D. taking care

Pembahasan :
S + had better + v base

21. Bella sometimes wishes that she … in a small town.
A. was not living
B. does not live
C. were not living
D. did not living

Pembahasan :
Bentuk present wish, subject +wish +(that) + subject + simple past tense
Bentuk "be" pada pemakaian past tense memakai "were", apapun subject nya.  

22. Of all the sports she played, ….
A. it was badminton which was her least liked
B. she like badminton least
C. badminton was disliked by her most
D. badminton was liked least by her

Pembahasan :
Dangling modifiers,
Subject pada klausa utama mesti sama dengan subject pada subject dalam introductory phrase.
Dalam hal ini, subjectnya adalah badminton.

23. If the bus arrives … , we will not make it to the cinema on time.
A. late
B. lately
C. more later
D. later

Pembahasan :
Bentuk adverb yang tepat dalam kalimat, maka jawabannya adalah late.

24. During her vacation in Semarang, Martha visited Kota Lama, went shopping in Pandanaran Street, and … a lot of interesting people in Balai Kota.
A. met
B. was meeting
C. had met
D. has been meeting

Pembahasan :
Parallel structure with coordinate conjuctions
(same structure) [and, but, or] (same structure)
(same structure), (same structure)  [and, but, or] (same structure)
v2, v2, and v2

25. It was essential that we … the lease before the end of the month.
A. sign
B. had signed
C. were signing
D. signed

Pembahasan :
Verbs of demand
S + (verbs of demand ) + that + S2 + V base

26. Riding her bicycle home from school, … as she went around the corner.
A. Rita was struck by a car
B. Rita was struck with a car
C. A car hit Rita
D. Rita was striked by a car

Pembahasan :
Dangling Modifiers
Subject pada klausa utama mesti sama dengan subject pada subject dalam introductory phrase.

27. Budi liked to buy, redecorate, and … older homes for a profit.
A. resold
B. reselling
C. resell
D. to resell

Pembahasan :
Parallel structure with coordinate conjuctions
(same structure) [and, but, or] (same structure)
(same structure), (same structure)  [and, but, or] (same structure)

28. Try as he might, he could never manage to get an … balance in his check book.
A. accurately
B. accurate
C. accuracy
D. accurateness

Pembahasan :
Bentuk noun phrase,
adjective + noun.
kata sifat yang tepat adalah accurate

29. My friend got a bank loan … a new house.
A. buy
B. to buy
C. bought
D. buying

Pembahasan :
Bentuk causative verb
subject + get + complement (usually person) + verb in infinitive (to v1)

30. The operators should read ….
A. The five-hundred-pages manual
B. The five-hundred-page manual
C. The five-hundreds-page manual
D. The five-hundreds-pages manual

Pembahasan :
Hyphenated or Compound adjective
Noun yang ditemukan pada bentuk ini, dengan adjective yang di sambungkan dengan hyphen,bentuk noun nya adalahs elalu singular.
contoh :

  • a two-hundred-year-old house
Maka jawaban yang tepat pertanyaan diatas adalah The five-hundred-page manual 

31. The doctor suggested that he ….
A. doesn’t smoke
B. will not smoke
C. not smoke
D. did not smoke

Pembahasan :
Verbs of demand
S + (verbs of demand ) + that + S2 + V base

32. Work … in units called foot pounds.
A. is often measuring
B. is often measured
C. often measure
D. often measures

Pembahasan :
Bentuk pasif
subject + be + VIII

33. By the middle of the twenty-first century, the smartphone … a necessity in every business.
A. become
B. becoming
C. becomes
D. will have become

Pembasahan :
Bentuk Future perfect tense, dengan keterangan waktu by .
form : Subject + will/shall + have + VIII 

34. Reza Rahadian is an Indonesian actor … was best known for his work in all genre movies.
A. what
B. which
C. whose
D. who

Pembahasan :
Relative Clause
introductory word yang tepat adalah who, merujuk pada orang (person)

35. The Hybrid MX is … with a 9000-mile range, larger than that of the  Minuteman.
A. a four-stages rocket
B. a four-stage rocket
C. a four-stages rockets
D. a four-stage rockets

Pembahasan :
Hyphenated or Compound adjective
Noun yang ditemukan pada bentuk ini, dengan adjective yang di sambungkan dengan hyphen,bentuk noun nya adalah selalu singular.

36. In ground control approach, the air traffic controller informs the pilot … from the touchdown point.
A. how far is the plane
B. Is how far the plane 
C. How far the plane is
D. The plane is how far

Pembahasan :
Bentuk embedded questions
Kata tanya yang terdapat di dalam sebuah kalimat
Subject + verb (phrase) + question word + subject + verb

37. Many roads and railroads were built in 1900s …  to link them with sources of supply.
A. because of industrial cities needed a network
B. because industrial cities needed a network
C. as a cause of industrial cities needed a network
D. due to industrial cities needed a network

Pembahasan :
Cause connectors
because + subject + verb
because of + noun phrase
as a cause of + noun phrase
due to + noun phrase

Pilihan jawaban yang sesuai form adalah "B"

38. Not until the Triassic Period ….
A. Did develop the first primitive mammals
B. The first primitive mammals develop
C. The first primitive mammals did develop
D. Did the first primitive mammals develop

Pembahasan :
Bentuk inversi subject dan verbs dengan negative expression
not until + aux + subject + verb

39. Let's go for a walk, ...?
A. am I
B. shall we
C. would you
D. shouldn't we

Pembahasan :
Bentuk Question tag
Ajakan dengan Let's, question tag nya adalah shall we

40. Yogyakarta relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and …
A. Semarang too
B. Semarang also
C. Semarang is as well
D. So does Semarang

Pembahasan :
Elliptic structures
Dua buah kalimat positif yang predikatnya sama, pola susunannya adalah 
Subject + verb (be) ... + and + so + verb (be)... + subject
Subject + verb (be) ... + and + subject + verb (be)... + too

41. The man had his passport... at the immigration office.
A. stamp
B. stamped
C. stamping
D. stamps

Pembahasan :
Bentuk pasif dalam causative verbs
subject + have/get +complement (usually thing) + verb in past participle

42. The gracious host insisted that Mr. Jack … so early.
A. doesn’t leave
B. didn’t leave
C. not leave
D. hadn’t leave

Pembahasan :
Verbs of demand
S + (verbs of demand ) + that + S2 + V base

43. It was … that we went for a hike in the mountain.
A. So nice day
B. Such nice day
C. Such nice a day
D. So nice a day

Pembahasan :
Penggunaan so/ such
Dalam penggunaan so/such, mari dilihat perbedaannya
subject + verb + so + adjective + a + singular count noun + that
subject + verb + such + a + adjective + singular count noun + that
maka, pilihan jawaban yang sesuai dengan rumus diatas adalah so nice a day

44. Everyone was … the threat of military intervention in that area.
A. Frightened for
B. Frightened 
C. Frightened to
D. Frightened by

Pembahasan :
Preposition Combination
Frighten + by

45. I let my son … my car when he came to visit me.
A. To borrow
B. Borrow
C. Borrowing
D. Borrowed

Pembahasan :
Causative Verb
Let biasanya dimasukkan dalam daftar Causative Verbs
subject + let + complement + verb in simple form

46. He … since he lost his job.
A. Is feeling badly
B. Had been feeling badly
C. Is feeling bad
D. Has been feeling bad

Pembahasan :
Penggunaan Present Perfect Tense dengan keterangan waktu since +simple past
Present Perfect Tense : subject + have/has +VIII 

47. The KM Sinar Bangun, … went down at Toba lake last week, was reputed to have  had greatly wealth on board.
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Which
D. That which

Pembahasan :
Relative Clause
person == who + verb/ whom + subject
thing == which

48. She writes  such a … poetry that it is hard to believe she has never had a formal education.
A. Beauty
B. Beautiful
C. Beautifully
D. Beautify 

Pembahasan :
subject + verb + such + a + adjective + singular count noun + that

49. The teacher objected to the students’ … their opened umbrellas near the door.
A. Set
B. Setting
C. Sets
D. Having set

Pembahasan :
object to + gerund (v-ing)

50. ... that the president's economic policy will help curb inflation.
A. The hope
B. It is hoped
C. Hoping
D. To hope 

Pembahasan :
Noun Clause dalam kalimat,
Sebuah kalimat bisa memiliki satu atau dua independent clause, salah satunya mesti memiliki subject dan verb nya sendiri. 

51. The White House, … , is the home of the president.
A. It is located in Washington
B. Located in Washington
C. Which located in washingon
D. Is located in Washington

Pembahasan :
Appositive Phrase 
Merupakan sekelompok kata yang berfungsi memberikan keterangan tambahan kepada subject dan object.Pada bentuk soal diatas, bentuk appositive phrase nya bertindak sebagai Noun.
Subject, Appositive, Verb ...

52. Rarely … located near city  lights or at lower elevations.
A. Observatories are
B. Are
C. In the observatories
D. Are observatories

Pembahasan :
Bentuk inversi subject dan verbs dengan negative expression
Rarely + aux + subject + verb

53. Only for a short period  of time … run at top speed.
A. Cheetahs
B. Do cheetahs
C. That a cheetahs can
D. can

Pembahasan :
Bentuk inversi subject dan verbs dengan negative expression
Only + aux + subject + verb

54. The climbers on the sheer face of the mountain … to be rescued.
A. Need
B. Needed
C. Needs
D. needing

Pembahasan :
Subject Verb agreement
Subject dalam kalimat adalah the climbers (jamak) sehingga kata kerja yang tepat adalah bentuk tunggal (V+s/es)

55. Everybody participating in the fund-raiser … to turn in the tickets by 7:00
A. Are
B. Is
C. Were
D. Have

Pembahasan :
Subject Verb agreement
everybody == is

56. The warmer the weather, … the attendance at the outdor concert.
A. The great
B. The greatest
C. The greater
D. greater

Pembahasan :
Double comparatives
the + comparative +subject +verb +the + comparative +subject +verb

57. I appreciate …  the time to help me.
A. You taking
B. Your taking
C. Yours
D. Yours taking

Pembahasan :
kepemilikan untuk gerund

58. We needed Jim … us figure out the solution.
A. Help
B. To help
C. Helping
D. helped

Pembahasan :
Kata need dalam kalimat diatas diikuti oleh infinitive karena subjectnya melakukan sesuatu

59. Dr. Munir, The president of the university, … a speech at the commencement ceremonies.
A. He will give
B. And he will give
C. Will give
D. Who will give

Pembahasan :
Appossitive Phrase
Subject, Appositive, Verb ...

60. I’d rather … in the morning than sudy in the night.
A. To study
B. Study
C. Studying
D. studied

Pembahasan :
Would rather
subject + would rather + simple verb

61. They hardly ever go to town, …?
A. Don’t they
B. Do they
C. Aren’t they
D. Weren’t they

Pembahasan :
Question tag
Kata- kata yang mengandung arti negatif, atau setengah negatif, question tag nya selalu positif.
never, seldom, hardly ever, by no mean, few, no/none

62. She prefers … at home than to see he cinema.
A. Stay
B. to stay
C. staying
D. stayed

Pembahasan :
subject + prefer + infinitive + than + infinitive

63. The opening of the new freeway in Ahmad Yani Airport has made the traffic condition in this city ….
A. More good
B. the better
C. better
D. more better

Pembahasan :
Degree of Comparison
Membandingkan dua hal; keadaan sekarang dengan keadaan sebelumnya
Itulah 63 Soal Latihan dan Pembahasan Tes Bahasa Inggris (TBI) USM PKN STAN Tahun 2020 ; Materi Structure. Untuk materi soal reading comprehension, bisa melalui link berikut, Latihan soal reading TBI PKN STAN.

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